
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
General (G) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-GEN-001.docx 677.9 KB Revenue Circulars, Commissioner’s Guidelines and Payroll Tax Rulings: Explanation and Status
General (G) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-GEN-002.docx 205.1 KB Interest and Penalty Tax​
General (G) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-GEN-003.docx 707.5 KB Objections and Appeals​
General (G) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-GEN-004.docx 194.5 KB Instalment Arrangements​
General (G) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-GEN-005.DOCX 190.4 KB Requirement for Full and True Disclosure​
General (G) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-GEN-006.docx 189.8 KB Concessional Interest Rate
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-001.docx 154.2 KB Stamp duty home owner assistance schemes
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-001.pdf 175.8 KB Stamp duty home owner assistance schemes
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-002.docx 161.4 KB Home owner assistance schemes – interest and penalties
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-002.pdf 203.2 KB Home owner assistance schemes – interest and penalties
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-003.docx 162.2 KB Commissioner’s discretion to exempt or vary compliance with the eligibility criteria
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-003.pdf 250.7 KB Commissioner’s discretion to exempt or vary compliance with the eligibility criteria
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-004.docx 686.8 KB De facto Relationships​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-005.docx 155.4 KB Principal place of residence​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-005.pdf 164.3 KB Principal place of residence
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-006.docx 155.1 KB Meaning of a 'home'​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-006.pdf 169.8 KB Meaning of a ‘home’
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-007..docx 184.3 KB First Home Owner Grant instalment arrangement policy
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-008.docx 686.9 KB Separated Spouses​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-010.docx 683.8 KB Purchasing a Home Subject to an Existing Lease​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-011.docx 156.5 KB What is a new home?​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-HI-011.pdf 217.7 KB What is a ‘new home’?
Payroll Tax (PRT) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-PRT-001.pdf 68.1 KB Payroll Tax on Superannuation Contributions Made by an Employer​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-PRT-008.pdf 284.3 KB Hiring resident employees
Property Activation (PA) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-PA-001.docx 196.1 KB Activation of lots
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-001.docx 679.2 KB Document Lodgement and Payment Periods​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-002.docx 687.9 KB Eligible Conditional Agreements – Extension of Time to Lodge Instrument and Pay Duty​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-003.doc 708.0 KB Stamp Duty Exemption for Conveyances of 'Family Farms'​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-004.docx 692.8 KB Stamp Duty on Motor Vehicle Certificates of Registration​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-005.docx 676.1 KB Put and Call Options​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-006.docx 679.9 KB Stamp Duty on General Insurance – Apportionment of Premiums​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-007.docx 676.5 KB Conveyances – Goods and Services Tax (GST) 'Gross-Up' Clauses​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-009.docx 697.8 KB Aggregation of Conveyances​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-010.docx 681.9 KB Tax Assessments Requiring Evidence of Value​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-011.docx 676.7 KB Improvements to Land Effected by the Conveyee ​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-012.docx 680.1 KB Conveyances - Exemption for Distributions in Specie on the Winding Up of a Company​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-013.docx 85.8 KB Advice on Proposed Transactions​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-014.docx 117.3 KB Stamp Duty Concession for Substituting a Related Purchaser​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-015.docx 711.2 KB Transfers of Trade Debts​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-016.docx 684.3 KB Farm-in Agreements​
Stamp Duty (SD) Commissioner's Guidelines CG-SD-017.docx 692.0 KB ​Cancelled and Rescinded Conveyances
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
General (G) Form F-GEN-002.pdf 239.2 KB Application for Refund​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-001.docx 231.5 KB First Home Owner Grant - Application Form
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-001.pdf 488.7 KB First Home Owner Grant - Application Form
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-008.pdf 371.3 KB Stamp Duty – Senior, Pensioner and Carer Concession Application Form and Guide​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-012.pdf 295.2 KB Vendor (Individual) Declaration of New Home​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-013.pdf 269.4 KB Vendor (Company) Declaration of New Residence​
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-014.docx 99.8 KB ​First Home Owner Discount
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-014.pdf 300.9 KB ​First Home Owner Discount
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-015.docx 184.0 KB ​Household Goods Grant Scheme - Application Form and Guide
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-015.pdf 257.9 KB ​Household Goods Grant Scheme - Application Form and Guide
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-016.pdf 422.7 KB BuildBonus: Application
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-017.pdf 173.1 KB BuildBonus - Vendor (individual) Declaration - new home
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-018.pdf 180.4 KB BuildBonus - Vendor (company) Declaration - new residence
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-021.docx 222.0 KB House and land package exemption – Guide to the application
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-021.pdf 315.2 KB House and land package exemption – Guide to the application
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-022.docx 65.1 KB House and land package exemption – Vendor declaration
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-022.pdf 217.2 KB House and land package exemption – Vendor declaration
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Form F-HI-019 109.3 KB Stamp Duty - Territory Home Owner Discount (guide to application)
Income Tax Equivalent (IT) Form F-IT-001.pdf 650.4 KB Income Tax Equivalent Return​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Form F-PRT-002.pdf 516.7 KB Cancellation of Payroll Tax Registration​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Form F-PRT-003.pdf 479.2 KB Nomination of Designated Group Employer (DGE)​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Form F-PRT-004.pdf 320.9 KB Fringe Benefits Estimated Basis for Election​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Form F-PRT-006.pdf 319.3 KB Employment Agency Contracts – Declaration by Client​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Form F-PRT-009.pdf 280.5 KB BPAY Registration Form – The simple way to pay your payroll tax​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Form F-PRT-012.pdf 521.7 KB Payroll Tax Application for Refund​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Form F-PRT-015.pdf 430.5 KB Application for Exclusion from Grouping – Payroll Tax​
Property Activation (PA) Form F-PA-001.docx 178.1 KB Opinion About Activation
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-001.pdf 225.5 KB Stamp Duty Lodgement Form​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-002.pdf 456.0 KB Cancellation of Stamp Duty Registration​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-003.pdf 514.8 KB Division 15 Statement – Transaction not effected or evidenced by an instrument​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-004.pdf 219.4 KB Exemption for Stamp Duty on a Motor Vehicle​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-005.pdf 609.4 KB Exemption from Stamp Duty for Conveyance of Family Farm​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-006.pdf 490.1 KB Exemption – Settlement of Property – De facto Relationship
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-007.pdf 494.1 KB Exemption from Stamp Duty on Transfer of Residence to Joint Names of Spouses​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-009.pdf 382.4 KB Corporate Reconstruction Interposing Corporation​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-010.pdf 369.5 KB Corporate Reconstruction Intra-Group Transfers​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-011.pdf 528.6 KB Corporate Reconstruction Reassessment​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-012.pdf 1.3 MB Statement of Acquisition – Acquisition of Interests in Land-Holder Corporations and Unit Trust Schemes​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-013.pdf 525.9 KB Stamp duty exemption for motor vehicle traders​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-014.pdf 546.2 KB Refund or Remission of Stamp Duty on Cancelled Conveyance​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-025.pdf 653.2 KB Application Form – Amended Assessment of Stamp Duty Where Contingent Consideration is Not Paid​
Stamp Duty (SD) Form F-SD-027.pdf 612.7 KB Concessional Stamp Duty – Substitution of a Related Conveyee​
Unclaimed Money (UM) Form F-UM-001.pdf 1.4 MB Unclaimed Money Guidance Notes and Claim Form
Unclaimed Money (UM) Form F-UM-002.pdf 305.8 KB Companies (Unclaimed Assets and Moneys) Act – Statutory Declaration​
Unclaimed Money (UM) Form F-UM-003.pdf 576.9 KB Unclaimed Superannuation Benefits Summary Sheet​
Unclaimed Money (UM) Form F-UM-004.pdf 78.6 KB Companies Unclaimed Moneys Register​
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
General (G) Information I-GEN-001.pdf 249.6 KB Territory Taxes – Information for Business​
General (G) Information I-GEN-002.docx 700.0 KB ​Investigation Process​
General (G) Information I-GEN-003-24.5.21.pdf 526.0 KB CBR Guide and conditions of approval
Home Owner Assistance (HOA) Information I-HI-002.pdf 219.9 KB Home Owner Assistance Schemes​
Mineral Royalties Information I-MR-003.docx 207.4 KB Mineral Royalty Overview
Payroll Tax (PRT) Information I-PRT-001.DOCX 368.9 KB Payroll tax guide for NT employers and businesses
Payroll Tax (PRT) Information I-PRT-001.pdf 840.5 KB Payroll tax guide for NT employers and businesses
Stamp Duty (SD) Information I-SD-001.pdf 497.6 KB Stamp Duty Lodgement Guide​
Stamp Duty (SD) Information I-SD-002.pdf 335.9 KB Stamp Duty on Business Property and Rights​
Stamp Duty (SD) Information I-SD-003.pdf 245.2 KB Stamp Duty and Fishing Licences​
Stamp Duty (SD) Information I-SD-005.pdf 248.8 KB Stamp Duty and Motor Vehicles​
Stamp Duty (SD) Information I-SD-006.docx 3.0 MB Ready Reckoner for Stamp Duty on Conveyances​
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
Mineral Royalties Information I-MRA24-001.DOCX 71.1 KB Mineral Royalties Act 2024 – Factsheet
Mineral Royalties Information I-MRA24-002.docx 749.8 KB Mineral Royalties Act 2024 – Overview
Mineral Royalties Mineral Royalty Forms and Returns RF-MRA24-001.XLSX 44.9 KB Mineral Royalties Act 2024 – Quarterly Return Form
Mineral Royalties Mineral Royalty Forms and Returns RF-MRA24-002.XLSX 55.9 KB Mineral Royalties Act 2024 – Annual Return Form
Mineral Royalties Mineral Royalty Forms and Returns RF-MRA24-003.DOCX 86.6 KB Mineral Royalties Act 2024 – Registration form
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
Mineral Royalties Information I-MRA-003.pdf 547.2 KB Northern Territory mineral royalties - fact sheet
Mineral Royalties Mineral Royalty Forms and Returns RF-MRA-001-MS10.xlsm 1.3 MB Annual and Provisional Royalty Returns - Pre 1 July 2019
Mineral Royalties Mineral Royalty Forms and Returns RF-MRA-002.pdf 511.9 KB Mineral Royalty Act - Section 11 - Notification of Information
Mineral Royalties Mineral Royalty Forms and Returns RF-MRA-003.xlsm 5.3 MB Annual Royalty Return – From 1 July 2019
Mineral Royalties Mineral Royalty Forms and Returns rf-mra-004.xlsm 82.3 KB Provisional Royalty Return – From 1 July 2019
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-001-V2.docx 72.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-001: MRA Guideline and Advanced Opinions
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-002-V3.docx 73.8 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-002: Production Unit
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-003-V3.docx 65.7 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MR-003: Negative Net Value
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004-V4.docx 93.0 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004: Gross Realisation and Gross Production Revenue
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-005.DOCX 220.0 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005: Operating costs
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-005.pdf 311.5 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005: Operating costs
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-006-v3.docx 83.1 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-006: Capital Recognition Deduction
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-006-v3.pdf 326.1 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-006: Capital Recognition Deduction
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-007-capital-recognition-deduction-v26.DOCX 220.0 KB Royalty Guideline MRA-007: Capital recognition deduction V26
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-007-capital-recognition-deduction-v26.pdf 222.2 KB Royalty Guideline MRA-007: Capital recognition deduction V26
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008-V4.docx 68.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008: Eligible Exploration Expenditure
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
Mineral Royalties Information I-MR-003-05072013.pdf 224.3 KB Mineral Royalty Overview (5 July 2013)
Mineral Royalties Information I-MR-003-29062018.docx 86.0 KB Mineral Royalty Overview (29 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Information I-MR-003-29082011.docx 116.8 KB Mineral Royalty Overview (29 August 2011)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-001-V1.pdf 172.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-001: MRA Guidelines and Advance Opinions (29 August 2011 to 30 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-002-V1.pdf 181.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-002: Production Unit ( 29 August 2011 to 30 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-002-V2.docx 71.2 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-002: Production Unit (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-003-V1.docx 99.8 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-003: Negative Net Value (29 August 2011 to 30 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-003-V2.docx 71.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-003: Negative Net Value (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004-V1.docx 113.8 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004: Gross Realization (29 August 2011 to 30 June 2013)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004-V2.docx 762.0 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004: Gross Realization (1 July 2013 to 30 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004-V3.docx 97.5 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-004: Gross Realisation and Gross Production Revenue (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005-V1.docx 113.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005: Operating Costs (29 August 2011 to 30 June 2013)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005-V2.docx 749.5 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005: Operating Costs (1 July 2013 to 30 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005-V3.docx 91.1 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005: Operating Costs (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005-V4.docx 90.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005: Operating Costs (1 July 2019 to 30 June 2021)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005-V5.pdf 11.1 MB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-005: Operating Costs (1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-006-V1.docx 111.8 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-006: Capital Recognition Deduction (29 August 2011 to 30 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-006-V2.docx 81.9 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-006: Capital Recognition Deduction (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-007-capital-recognition-deduction.DOCX 220.2 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA 007 CRD factors 1 January to 30 June 2023
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline rg-mra-007-capital-recognition-deduction.pdf 222.2 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA 007 CRD factors 1 January to 30 June 2023
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V17.docx 73.2 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007: CRD Factors (4 July 2018 to current)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V18.docx 106.7 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007: CRD Factors
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V19.docx 101.6 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA 007: CRD factors (2 July 2020 to 4 January 2021)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V20.docx 65.3 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007: CRD Factors (5 January to 30 June 2021)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V21.pdf 406.0 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007: CRD factors (2 July 2021 to 3 January 2022)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V22.pdf 239.9 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007: Capital recognition deduction factors
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V23.pdf 208.9 KB Capital recognition deduction factors
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007-V24.pdf 215.5 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-007 CRD factors (1 July to 31 December 2022)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008-V1.docx 101.2 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008: Eligible Exploration Expenditure (29 August 2011 - 30 June 2013
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008-V2.docx 729.2 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008: Eligible Exploration Expenditure (1 July 2013 to 30 June 2018)
Mineral Royalties Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008-V3.docx 73.4 KB Royalty Guideline RG-MRA-008: Eligible Exploration Expenditure (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019)
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
Allowances​ Allowances​ PTA005.pdf 215.2 KB Exempt Allowances – Motor Vehicle and Accommodation​
Allowances​ Allowances​ PTA011.pdf 189.6 KB Allowances and Reimbursements​
Allowances​ Allowances​ PTA024.pdf 188.7 KB Overnight Accommodation Allowances Paid to Truck Drivers​
Allowances​ Allowances​ PTA025.pdf 191.9 KB Motor Vehicle Allowances Paid to Real Estate Salespersons​
Contractors​ PTA006.pdf 190.9 KB Payroll Tax Exemption for Payments to Owner-Drivers​
Contractors​ PTA013.docx 681.4 KB Fees Paid for Golf Club Professionals​
Contractors​ PTA014.pdf 190.9 KB What Constitutes a Day’s Work?​
Contractors​ PTA018.pdf 196.2 KB Contractor Deductions​
Contractors​ PTA019.pdf 189.4 KB Contractors – Labour and Non-Labour Components​
Contractors​ PTA020.pdf 241.5 KB Contractors – 180-Day Exemption​
Contractors​ PTA021.pdf 288.9 KB Exemption for Contractors Ordinarily Rendering Service to the Public​
Contractors​ PTA022.pdf 193.6 KB Contractors – Services Not Ordinarily Required​
Contractors​ PTA023.pdf 158.1 KB Contractors Engaging Others​
Contractors​ PTA033.pdf 190.4 KB Contractors – Services Ancillary to the Supply of Goods​
Contractors​ PTA035.pdf 137.0 KB Contractors – 90-Day Exemption​
Employment Agencies​ Employment Agencies​ PTA026.pdf 219.2 KB Employment Agency Contracts – Declaration by Exempt Clients​
Employment Agencies​ Employment Agencies​ PTA028.pdf 192.7 KB Employment Agency Contracts On-hired to Government​
Exemptions​ Exemptions​ PTA012.pdf 195.7 KB Exemption for Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave Pay​
Fringe Benefits​ Fringe Benefits​ PTA003.docx 834.8 KB Fringe Benefits​
General (G) PTA008.pdf 194.6 KB GST Considerations for the Calculations of Payroll Tax Liability​
General (G) PTA029.pdf 188.6 KB Recruitment Agencies / Placement Agencies / Job Placement Agencies​
General (G) PTA030.pdf 187.7 KB Penalty Charges Under Superannuation Guarantee Charge​
General (G) PTA032.pdf 185.9 KB Payroll Tax Exemption for Schools​
General (G) PTA036.pdf 148.7 KB Payroll Tax – Interest and Penalty Tax​
General (G) PTA038.pdf 2.0 MB Determining Whether a Worker is an Employee​
Grouping​ Grouping​ PTA017.pdf 191.1 KB Grouping of Professional Practices and Administrative Businesses​
Grouping​ Grouping​ PTA031.pdf 167.9 KB Commissioners Discretion to Exclude from a Group​
NT Payroll Tax Liability​ NT Payroll Tax Liability​ PTA039.pdf 278.8 KB Payroll Tax Nexus Provisions​
Termination Payments​ PTA004.pdf 191.1 KB Termination Payments​
Wages​ PTA010.pdf 192.9 KB Wage Subsidies​
Wages​ PTA015.pdf 188.9 KB Worker’s Compensation Payments​
Wages​ PTA034.pdf 148.7 KB Contributions to the Construction Industry Long Service Leave and Redundancy Funds​
Wages​ PTA037.pdf 120.2 KB Paid Parental Leave​
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
RC-GEN-003.pdf 91.1 KB 2007-08 Budget Amendments
RC-GEN-008.pdf 78.5 KB 2008-09 Budget Amendments
RC-GEN-009.pdf 50.9 KB 2009-10 Budget Amendments
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
DT001.pdf 88.1 KB 2004-05 Northern Territory Budget DT
F-TDR-001.pdf 10.1 KB 2004-05 Northern Territory Budget TDR
F-TS-001.pdf 9.9 KB 2004-05 Northern Territory Budget TS
GEN-RM-001.ppt 107.0 KB 2008-09 Northern Territory Budget RM
I-G-001.pdf 18.9 KB 2001-02 Northern Territory Budget
MRA001.pdf 65.6 KB 2003-04 Northern Territory Budget MRA
PRT010.pdf 46.9 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget PRT
PRT011.pdf 58.8 KB 2003-04 Northern Territory Budget PRT
PRT012.pdf 124.0 KB 2004-05 Northern Territory Budget PRT
RC-GEN-001.pdf 135.6 KB 2005-06 Northern Territory Budget
RC-GEN-002.pdf 156.1 KB 2006-07 Northern Territory Budget GEN
RC-GEN-003.pdf 93.6 KB 2007-08 Northern Territory Budget
RC-GEN-008.pdf 83.0 KB 2008-09 Northern Territory Budget GEN
RC-GEN-009.pdf 90.8 KB 2009-10 Northern Territory Budget GEN
RC-GEN-010.pdf 155.1 KB RC-GEN-010.pdf
RC-GEN-011.pdf 144.9 KB 2010-11 Northern Territory Budget
RC-GEN-019.docx 675.3 KB ​2017-18 Budget Measures
RC-HI-002.pdf 136.4 KB 2006-07 Northern Territory Budget HI
RC-PRT-001.pdf 85.1 KB 2008-09 Northern Territory Budget PRT
RC-PRT-006.pdf 198.0 KB RC-PRT-006.pdf
RC-SD-001.pdf 160.2 KB 2006-07 Northern Territory Budget SD
RC-SD-003.pdf 137.3 KB 2009-10 Northern Territory Budget SD
SD018.pdf 68.1 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget SD18
SD019.pdf 63.5 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget SD19
SD020.pdf 49.8 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget SD20
SD021.pdf 58.7 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget SD21
SD022.pdf 92.4 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget SD22
SD023.pdf 63.5 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget SD23
SD024.pdf 98.0 KB 2002-03 Northern Territory Budget SD24
SD025.pdf 93.5 KB 2003-04 Northern Territory Budget SD25
SD026.pdf 113.1 KB 2003-04 Northern Territory Budget SD26
SD027.pdf 112.1 KB 2004-05 Northern Territory Budget SD
Tax type Publication type Publication identifier Publication name Publication details
General (G) Revenue Circulars RC-GEN-004.pdf 71.7 KB New Taxation Administration Arrangements From 1 January 2008​
General (G) Revenue Circulars RC-GEN-005.pdf 80.4 KB New Taxation Administration Act From 1 January 2008​
General (G) Revenue Circulars RC-GEN-006.pdf 77.1 KB New Stamp Duty Act From 1 January 2008​
General (G) Revenue Circulars RC-GEN-018.docx 687.4 KB ​Increased Stamp Duty Relief and Household Goods Grant
General (G) Revenue Circulars RC-GEN-020.pdf 184.7 KB 2018-19 Budget Measures
General (G) Revenue Circulars RC-GEN-021.pdf 2.1 MB 2022-23 Budget Measures
Payroll Tax (PRT) Revenue Circulars RC-PRT-004.pdf 194.4 KB Payroll Tax Nexus Rules – New Arrangements​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Revenue Circulars RC-PRT-006.pdf 198.0 KB 2011-12 Payroll Tax Changes​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Revenue Circulars RC-PRT-007.docx 681.7 KB 2015-16 Budget Measures – Payroll Tax Non-Profit Exemption ​
Payroll Tax (PRT) Revenue Circulars RC-PRT-007.pdf 132.2 KB 2015-16 Budget Measures – Payroll Tax Non-Profit Exemption
Stamp Duty (SD) Revenue Circulars RC-SD-002.pdf 146.5 KB Exploration Licences Transitional Arrangements​
Stamp Duty (SD) Revenue Circulars RC-SD-003.pdf 137.3 KB 2009-10 Budget Amendments – Landholding Corporations and Unit Trusts​
Stamp Duty (SD) Revenue Circulars RC-SD-004.pdf 88.3 KB 2015-16 Budget Measures – Life Insurance Duty (Abolition)
Stamp Duty (SD) Revenue Circulars RC-SD-005.pdf 132.9 KB 2015-16 Budget Measures - Life Insurance Duty (Transitional Matters)

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