Freedom of information
Information listing
In accordance with section 11 of the Act, the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) produces an information listing of all types of documents and databases held.
The listing is updated annually, providing details on how to obtain documents or information and specifying whether the information may be inspected, purchased or distributed free of charge.
2024 Government information held by the department PDF (405.4 KB)
Information Act
The Northern Territory’s Information Act (the Act) took effect 1 July 2003 and impacts the way Northern Territory public sector organisations collect, use and store government and personal information. Under the Act, and for the first time in Australia, the related issues of freedom of information (FOI), privacy and records and archives management are brought together.
The Act is designed to promote the protection of personal information and the free flow of government information, subject only to the need to protect essential public interests and the private and business interests of persons.
The Act has four main components:
- right of access to government information, including personal information, except where an exemption applies
- the appointment of an Information Commissioner
- effective and responsible record keeping and records management
- protection of personal information in the public sector by application of Information Privacy Principles (IPPs).
The Act does not replace other procedures for accessing information or limit access to government information (other than personal information) that is already publicly available.
The Act creates a legal right of access to government and personal information held by government, including the right to request correction of personal information where a person believes information regarding them is incorrect, inaccurate or out of date. This right of access is limited if disclosure of particular information would be contrary to the public interest and have a prejudicial effect on essential public interests or on the private or business interests of other persons.
Read more about making freedom of information requests to the Northern Territory Government.
Correcting your personal information
In accordance with the Act, every person has the right to correct his or her personal information if they believe the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
Under the Act, DTF can make the change you requested, change the information in another way, or refuse to change the information.
If the person and the public sector organisation holding the information disagree on the correction to be made, you will be provided with written reasons for refusal, and be given an opportunity to request DTF takes reasonable steps to associate with the information, a statement by the person to the effect that, in the person's opinion, the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
How to apply for a correction
To apply to correct your information submit an
Application to correct personal information
Explain why you think the information is not accurate, incorrect, incomplete or out of date, and submit your application to the Information Policy Unit using the contact details listed below. There are no fees associated with this process.
For further information go to the Northern Territory Government website.
DTF applies the following privacy principles to your personal information.
- When your personal information is collected by the department, it will only collect what is necessary to provide you with the best and most appropriate services.
- The department will advise the reasons for collecting your personal information, how it will be used, if it will be disclosed to anyone and that you have the right to access it.
- The department will only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected, and will not use it for another purpose unless you give consent, if it is required by law, or if the use is related to the reason for which it was collected.
- The department will keep your information secure and take reasonable steps to ensure it is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
- If there is no law requiring the department to keep your personal information, it will be destroyed or de-identified once it is no longer needed.
- On request, the department will give you access to your personal information.
Read the DTF Privacy Policy PDF (145.8 KB)
Privacy complaints
If you are concerned your personal information has been collected or handled in a manner that contravenes an IPP under the Act, or that DTF has interfered with your privacy, you should submit a written complaint to the Information Policy Unit, using the contact details listed.
Include your name and contact details, and why you believe your personal information has been collected or handled in contravention of the Act or how your privacy has been interfered with. There are no fees associated with this process.
Provide as much detail as possible, including:
- date and time
- location of incidents
- description of events and people involved
- names and contact details of any witnesses.
If you are not satisfied with any response you receive from DTF in relation to an interference with your privacy, you can then lodge a complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner Northern Territory.
Further information about Privacy: your rights
Contact information
Freedom of Information Services
GPO Box 2391 DARWIN NT 0800
Telephone: 08 8999 1793
Receiver of Territory Monies
Receiver of Territory Monies contact details
Office of the Information Commissioner
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