Program Evaluation Unit


Robust program monitoring and evaluation aims to ensure government achieves the best outcomes within the allocated budget and helps build a contextualised evidence-base of what works by asking questions such as:

  • have we achieved what we set out to do?
  • could we have done things better or more efficiently?
  • should we continue to do this or try something else?

The Program Evaluation Unit within the Department of Treasury and Finance is responsible for:

  • promoting the use of evaluation in government decision making
  • leading the NTG Program Evaluation Community of Practice
  • supporting agencies to complete evaluation overviews as part of their Cabinet submissions
  • coordinating the rolling schedule of evaluations
  • strengthening evaluative capacity across the NTPS
  • preparing an annual whole of government summary of evaluations
  • maintaining a database of completed evaluations and sharing findings to inform future policy and program design.

The need for a whole of government approach to program evaluation was a key recommendation in A plan for budget repair. The Program Evaluation Unit has progressed several recommendations including:

  • developing a whole of government program evaluation framework
  • updating the Cabinet submission template to include program evaluation and sunset clause requirements
  • developing an annual schedule of evaluation of existing programs for approval by the Budget Review Subcommittee
  • fostering the development of behavioural economics capability across the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) with a focus on adopting proven approaches from other jurisdictions.

For further information, please contact

The Program Evaluation Unit has established the Northern Territory Government Program Evaluation Community of Practice to:

  • share evaluation knowledge, expertise and experiences across agency boundaries
  • promote the role of evaluation in delivering public value
  • integrate evaluation into program design and policy development
  • improve evaluation skills across the Northern Territory Public Sector.

This group is open to all Northern Territory Government employees with experience, expertise or an interest in evaluation, data and evidence-based policy.

New members are welcome – please contact to find out more.

This whole of government program evaluation framework integrates evaluation into the Northern Territory Government’s policy and budget development processes and aims to improve transparency and accountability, and encourage better use of Territory Government funds by:

  • ensuring new programs and extensions to existing programs have identified goals and objectives that are achievable and measurable or include actions to develop measurement as part of the program
  • ensuring new programs and extensions to existing programs have an evaluation strategy
  • incorporating sunset provisions in new programs, linked to evaluation outcomes
  • establishing a rolling schedule of evaluations to ensure existing programs are evaluated over time
  • providing a clear mandate for agencies to evaluate their programs and target their investments
  • outlining expected evaluation principles and standards
  • providing government with clear advice about the costs and benefits of evaluation (including data collection and analysis) to help inform evaluation decisions
  • establishing a protocol for policy and program officers to plan for evaluation across the program lifecycle (with a step-by-step guide in the online evaluation toolkit)
  • establishing a tiered system of evaluations to ensure evaluation is proportionate to the cost, risk and complexity of a program
  • describing how the Territory Government can build evaluation capability within the Northern Territory Public Sector and foster a culture of continuous improvement
  • outlining how the Territory Government will measure progress in implementing the framework.

Territory Government agencies must use the framework and toolkit to help plan, commission and use evaluations. The framework and toolkit may also provide useful guidance for Territory Government service delivery partners and external evaluators of Territory Government programs.

The program evaluation framework was internally reviewed in 2023 and will be externally reviewed in 2024-25. View the framework PDF (924.4 KB).

View the process evaluation PDF (1.2 MB) of the program evaluation framework.

Any queries can be directed to

This toolkit is for Northern Territory Government employees who are responsible for policy development, program design and program evaluation. It has been compiled by the Program Evaluation Unit at the Department of Treasury and Finance as part of a whole of government approach to program evaluation. It provides guidance, resources and templates to help managers integrate evaluation planning into program design, get a program ready for evaluation, commission and manage an external evaluation or lead an internal evaluation. It will help evaluation teams (either internal or external) meet the expectations for evaluation under the Program evaluation framework.

The toolkit is structured to guide program managers and policy officers through completing two key documents: the Evaluation overview and the Evaluation work plan.

Key resources in the toolkit include:

There are many different approaches to evaluation and this toolkit is not intended to be exhaustive. It will be updated regularly in response to user feedback. If you would like to suggest a change or if you need further information on how to use the toolkit, please email

Download a copy of the toolkit

Northern Territory Government published monitoring and evaluation reports

2024Tourism NTDestination Management Plans and their report cards visit
2024 Department of Industry, Trade and TourismDeloitte Resourcing the Territory 2018-2022 PDF (22.6 MB)
2023 Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet Three Year Review of the Liquor Act 2019 – Legislative Assembly Summary Report PDF (1.1 MB)
2023 Northern Territory Government Safe, Thriving and Connected: Generational Change for Children and Families - 2022 Generational Change Impact Report PDF (5.1 MB)
2023 Department of Treasury and Finance Northern Territory Government Program Evaluation Framework: Process Evaluation Report PDF (1.2 MB)
2023 Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet Office of Central Australian Regional Controller - Proposed Actions for Alcohol Related Harm in Central Australian Communities PDF (499.3 KB)
2022 Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet Everyone Together: Aboriginal Affairs Strategy - Progress Report 2022 PDF (5.1 MB)
2022 Northern Territory Government Mineral Development Taskforce Final Report PDF (10.4 MB)
2022 Department of Education Review of Effective Enrolment
2022 Northern Territory Government Alcohol Policy monitoring  
2022 Reform Management Office, Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities 2021 Generational Change Impact Report
2022 Northern Territory Government Northern Territory's Climate Change Response: Towards 2050 Annual Progress Report - September 2022
2022 Department of Health Evaluation of Minimum Unit Price of Alcohol in the Northern Territory PDF (4.9 MB)
2022 Northern Territory Government The Territory's Economic Reconstruction - progress report 3
2022 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Destination Management Plans Annual Report Cards
2022 Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Commercial Passenger Vehicle Review report
2021 Department of the Attorney General and Justice Mandatory Sentencing and Community Based Sentencing Options - Final report
2021 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Tourism NT 2020-21 Annual Report (case study: Territory Tourism Voucher initiative page 18)
2021 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Aboriginal Tourism Strategy Report Card 2021
2021 Utilities Commission of the Northern Territory Northern Territory Electricity Retail Review 2019-20 PDF (1.6 MB)
2021 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Northern Territory's Tourism Industry Strategy 2030 -  Annual Report Card July 2021
2021 Northern Territory Government The Territory's Economic Reconstruction - progress report 2
2021 Northern Territory Government The Territory's Economic Reconstruction - progress report 1
2021 Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Northern Territory's Climate Change Response: Towards 2050 Annual Progress Report - September 2021 PDF (1.3 MB)
2021 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Reduction Framework 2018-2028 - Action Plan progress update
2021 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice COMMIT Parole - An analysis of program effectiveness in assisting offender parole completion
2021 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Reoffending while on bail - Analyses of adult and youth defendants
2021 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice The transition from youth to adult custody in the Northern Territory
2021 Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet Everyone Together Aboriginal Affairs Strategy - progress report 2021 PDF (23.2 MB)
2021 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities YORET Hub - Youth Drop in Centre PDF (32.1 MB)
2021 Department of Territory  Families, Housing and Communities NT Public Libraries - Connected Communities Review of activities 2020-2021
2021 Department of Treasury and Finance NTPSBS Triennial Review 2021 PDF (386.3 KB)
2020 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Northern Territory's Tourism Industry Strategy 2030 - Annual Report Card July 2020
2020 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities Review of the Homelands Policy
Department of Health Evaluation of the Northern Territory Chronic Conditions Prevention and Management Strategy 2010-2020: final report
2020 Department of Health NT Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework 2018-2023 implementation plan – second progress report card
2020 Department of Health Investigating the introduction of the alcohol minimum unit price in the Northern Territory: final report
2020 Department of Territory  Families, Housing and Communities NT Public Libraries - Connected Communities Review of activities 2019-20
2020 Department of Territory  Families, Housing and Communities Palmerston Youth Action Plan 2019-2020 Community Plan Review
2019 Department of Treasury and Finance Judges Triennial Review June 2019
2019 Department of Treasury and Finance LAMS Triennial Review June 2019
2019 Department of Treasury and Finance NTGPASS Triennial Review June 2019
2019 Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet Story of our children and young people
2019 Department of Health Medium-term (24 months) outcomes evaluation of the Banned Drinker Register
2019 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Arafura Games final event evaluation
2019 Northern Territory Government Northern Territory Alcohol Harm Minimisation Action Plan 2018-2019 - August 2019 Update
2019 Department of Health Twelve-month evaluation of the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory – part 2 qualitative
2019 Department of Health Twelve-month evaluation of the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory – part 1 descriptive
2019 Department of Education School-based police program review
2019 Department of Health Report on the review of Forensic Mental Health and Disability Services within the Northern Territory
2019 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Best practice review of workplace health and safety in the Northern Territory: final report
2019 Department of Territory  Families, Housing and Communities NT Public Libraries - Connected Communities Review of activities 2018-19
2018 Department of Education Review of Policy and Practice for Students with Additional Needs
2018 Department of Health Review of the Northern Territory sobering up shelters
2018 Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Evaluation of the operation of the Northern Territory container deposit scheme
2018 Department of Health NT Suicide Prevention Strategic Framework 2018-2023 implementation plan – 12-month progress report
2018 Department of Health Process evaluation of the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory
2018 Department of Health Economic evaluation of point-of-care testing in the remote primary health care setting of Australia's Northern Territory
2018 Department of Education Indigenous Education Strategy Evaluation final report
2018 Department of Health Burden of Disease and Injury Study: Impact and causes of illness, injury and death in the Northern Territory, 2004-2013
2017 Department of Education Government School Funding in the Northern Territory: Review of the Global School Funding Model
2017 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities Review of the Family Safety Framework in the Northern Territory 2016-17
2017 Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet Alcohol policies and legislation review – final report
2017 Department of Health Improving the quality of life of palliative and chronic disease patients and carers in remote Australia with the establishment of a day respite facility
2017 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities Living on the edge: Northern Territory Town Camps review
2017 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities Alice Springs integrated response to family and domestic violence project
2017 Department of Health NT road ambulance service scoping review
2017 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities Early intervention Youth Boot Camp program implementation review (2013-2016) and future directions
2017 Department of Health Evaluation of the alcohol mandatory treatment program
2016 Department of Treasury and Finance Administrators Triennial Review June 2016
2016 Department of Treasury and Finance NTSS Triennial Review June 2016
2016 Department of the Chief Minister  Sacred Sites Processes and Outcomes Review
2016 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Independent evaluation – Indigenous employment provisional sum and remote contracting policy
2016 Department of Education Non-government Indigenous boarding schools – review of funding arrangements
2016 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice A safer Northern Territory through correctional interventions – report of the review of the NT Department of Correctional Services
2016 Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Barneson Boulevard detailed design – traffic modelling assessment
2016 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Northern Territory early intervention Youth Boot Camp program
2016 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Association between criminal behaviour and experience of maltreatment as a child
2016 Northern Territory Department of Justice A review of community courts Northern Territory Government Pilot and Program 2005-2012
2015 Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet Travel review
2015 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Managing alcohol consumption: a review on licensed clubs in remote Indigenous communities in the NT
2015 Department of Health Telemedicine in the Northern Territory: an assessment of patient perceptions in the preoperative anaesthetic clinic
2015 Department of Health Supporting aboriginal knowledge and practice in health care: lessons from a qualitative evaluation of the strong women, strong babies, strong culture program
2015 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Review of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing
2015 Department of Attorney-General and Justice Review of the Northern Territory youth detention system
2014 Department of Education Work like the best: review of middle schooling in the Northern Territory
2014 Environmental Protection Authority Northern Territory plastic bags ban review
2014 Environmental Protection Authority Review of containers regulated under the NT container deposit scheme
2014 Department of Education A share in the future – review of Indigenous education in the Northern Territory
2013 Department of Health Review of the patient assistance travel scheme
2013 Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department; NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services Evaluation of the community engagement police officers trial: final report
2012 Department of Health That's Enough – evaluation report
2012 Territory Families Evaluation of the impact of mandatory reporting of domestic and family violence
2011 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities Review of the Northern Territory youth justice system
2011 Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics A safe system approach to heavy vehicles in the Greater Darwin area
2009 Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment A review of the Northern Territory Public Sector Employment and Management Act
2009 Department of Health Final report on the Northern Territory Department of Health and Families' Safe Sex No Regrets campaign
2009 Department of Health Initial report on the implementation of the NHPPD management tool for nursing staffing levels.
2008 Department of Health Review of community paediatrics, the Central Australian Remote Health Service, Alice Springs
2007 Department of Health Maternity services review in the Northern Territory
2007 Department of Health Northern Territory Community Services high risk audit: executive summary and recommendations
2007 Department of Health Tiwi sexual health program 2002-2005 – a case study
2007 Department of Health NT review of medical education and training: final report
2007 Department of Health Acute rheumatic fever: adherence to secondary prophylaxis and follow up of Indigenous patients in the Katherine region of the Northern Territory
2007 Department of Health An evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy
2007 Department of Health Northern Territory HealthConnect – shared electronic health record service implementation experiences and benefits realised in Indigenous health
2007 Department of Health Northern Territory Department of Health and Community Services Alcohol and Other Drug program: profile of services and interventions project final report
2005 Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Recidivism in the Northern Territory: Adult prisoners released in 2001-02
2003 Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services An assessment of resource requirements of the Northern Territory Police
2003 Department  of Employment, Education and Training Report on Future Directions for Secondary Education in the Northern Territory
2003 Department of Health Young women's sexual health project evaluation report
2003 Department of Health Domestic/family violence screening pilot: evaluation report
2003 Department of Health Mental health service system development strategy project for the Northern Territory: final report
2003 Department of Health Report of the review of the Northern Territory Department of Health and Community Services
2002 Department of Health Review of Royal Darwin Hospital GP-hospital liaison project
1999 Department of Education Learning lessons - An independent review of Indigenous education in the Northern Territory
1999 Department of Health Review of services and structure of Territory health services
1997 Department of Health Review of alcohol counselling services in Northern Territory urban centres
1997 Department of Health Community health program evaluation report: October 1993 to June 1997
1997 Department of Health Evaluation report: Alcohol and Other Drugs program
1991 Department of Health Review of health and community services – final report
1990 Department of Health Alcohol intervention in Alice Springs Hospital – What's possible? An evaluation of a two week pilot program
1984 Department of Health Evaluation of Banyan House: The Forster Foundation for Drug Rehabilitation
1982 Department of Health Report on the review of urban based community health centres in the Northern Territory of Australia, July–September 1982 for the Department of Health, Northern Territory

Other relevant resources

2024BMC Health Services ResearchEvaluating the impact of 'Ask the Specialist Plus' a training program for improving cultural safety and communication in hospital-based healthcare
2023Northern Land CouncilCommunity Planning and Development – Monitoring and Evaluation report July 2022 – June 2023 -
2023Centre for Appropriate TechnologyHousing Experience: Post Occupancy Evaluation of Alice Springs Town Camp Housing 2008-2011
2023Menzies School of Health ResearchHealthy Homes Monitoring and Evaluation Project - Final Report
2023Yaofeng He, V., Condon, J., Malvaso, C., Williams, T., Liddle, L., Blagg, H., Guthridge, S.Patterns of alleged offending amongst Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal young people in the Northern Territory of Australia, 1997–2019
2023Australian Institute of Health and WelfareAn overview of Indigenous mental health and suicide prevention in Australia
2022National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory: Sunset Review
2022Batchelor InstituteEvaluation of Nawarddeken Academy Final Report
2022Ninti One and National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)Stronger Communities for Children Storybook
2022Moore, S., Condon, J.R., He, YR., Stothers, K., Williams, T. and Guthridge, S.The extent of violence inflicted on adolescent Aboriginal girls in the Northern Territory
2022Deloitte Access EconomicsThe social and economic contribution of the Menzies School of Health Research
2022National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)National Partnership on Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment (NTRAI) End of Term Review
2021Remote LaundriesA cost-benefit analysis of the Remote Laundries Project
2021Menzies School of Health ResearchThe social costs of gambling harms in the Northern Territory in 2018
2021Menzies School of Health ResearchMeasuring incidence and prevalence gambling related harms in the Northern Territory
2021Menzies School of Health ResearchPatterns of ongoing gambling, program gambling risk and harms in the Northern Territory report
2021Menzies School of Health ResearchA qualitative investigation of Aboriginal gambling behaviour, consequence, risk factors, and help-seeking in the Northern Territory
2021Senior Advisory Group for the Department of Agriculture, Water and the EnvironmentSenior Advisory Group on Joint Management Arrangements for Commonwealth National Parks
2021ANROWSRante-rante ampe Marle and Urreye "Safe, Respected and free from Violence" projects evaluation
2021Nous GroupMeeting the Youth Gap Final Evaluation
2021Menzies School of Health ResearchPatterns of child protection service involvement by Aboriginal children associated with a higher risk of self-harm in adolescence: A retrospective population cohort study using linked administrative data
2021Woolworths GroupIndependent Panel Review into the proposed Dan Murphy's development in Darwin
2021Deakin University, La Trobe University, Monash University, The University of Newcastle, Curtin UniversityThe impact of a minimum unit price on wholesale alcohol supply trends in the Northern Territory, Australia
2021Menzies School of Health ResearchA historical overview of legislated alcohol policy in the Northern Territory of Australia: 1979-2021
2021Menzies School of Health ResearchIndustry views about the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory: Early lessons from a qualitative evaluation
2021Griffith University"It's good to know each other, to be Kungas" – An interim evaluation report for the Kunga Stopping Violence Program
2021Useful Projects for Palmerston and Regional Basketball AssociationPalmerston Youth Activity Grant Funding Evaluation Report
2020Tubex, H., Rynne, J., Blagg, H.Building effective throughcare strategies for Indigenous offenders in Western Australia and the Northern Territory
2020Menzies School of Health ResearchAn Exploratory Study of People's Gambling Behaviours, Harm and Help-Seeking for Gambling Issues in the Northern Territory
2020Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and ResearchAccess to justice in the Barkly
2020Northern Institute, Charles Darwin UniversityCommunity Planning and Development Program: Ground Up Monitoring and Evaluation Interim Report December 2020
2020Department of Social ServicesEvaluation of the Intensive Family Support Services
2020Productivity CommissionExpenditure on children in the Northern Territory: final report
2020Menzies School of Health ResearchThe impact of hearing impairment on early academic achievement in Aboriginal children living in remote Australia: a data linkage study
2020Menzies School of Health ResearchThe impact of hearing impairment on early childhood development in Australian Aboriginal children living in remote Australia: a data linkage study
2020Menzies School of Health ResearchThe impact of hearing impairment on the life trajectories of Aboriginal children living in remote Australia: Protocol for the Hearing Loss in Kids Project
2020Menzies School of Health ResearchThe link between hearing impairment and child maltreatment among Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory of Australia: is there an opportunity for a public health approach in child protection?
2019Batchelor InstituteEvaluation of Suicide Story Final Report
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchKatherine Youth Justice Reinvestment: Final Report
2019WA Legal AidBlurred Borders Legal Communication tools: process review and evaluation final report
2019Batchelor InstituteEvaluation of inDigiMOB Final Report
2019Department of Education, Skills and EmploymentEvaluation of Connected Beginnings Program: final report 2019
2019Northern Institute, Charles Darwin UniversityCommunity Planning and Development Program: Ground Up Monitoring and Evaluation Interim Report December 2019
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchThe social and economic costs and harms of alcohol consumption in the Northern Territory
2019Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE)Northern Territory alcohol harm-reduction report: Assessment of preliminary data on the Riley Review reforms on the anniversary of the NT Minimum Unit Price
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchThe impact of hearing impairment on Aboriginal children's school attendance in remote Northern Territory: a data linkage study
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchHearing and justice: The link between hearing impairment in early childhood and youth offending in Aboriginal children living in remote communities of the Northern Territory, Australia
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchExploring risk profiles of young people with self-harm hospital admissions in the Northern Territory
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchFrom Birth to Five: A multiagency data-linkage study to inform a public health response to child protection in the Northern Territory
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchProtection and Justice: A study of the crossover of Northern Territory children between two services
2019Northern Institute, Charles Darwin UniversityFamily Violence Prevention Legal Services – national evaluation report
2019National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)Summary of evaluation of mental health first aid training on Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island
2019National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)Analysis of the investment in support for Indigenous secondary boarding students
2019Menzies School of Health ResearchBaseline incidence of adverse birth outcomes and infant influenza and pertussis hospitalisations prior to the introduction of influenza and pertussis vaccination in pregnancy: a data linkage study of 78 382 mother-infant pairs, Northern Territory, Australia, 1994-2015
2018Goldstein, R. and Hiscox, M.J.School enrolment and attendance measure randomized controlled trial: full report
2018Menzies School of Health ResearchNorthern Territory gambling prevalence and wellbeing survey report 
2018Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetUnderstanding family perspectives of school attendance in remote communities: Evaluation of the Remote School Attendance Strategy
2018Charles Darwin UniversityLiterature Review on Public Procurement: Theories, evidence and implications for regional Australia
2018Menzies School of Health ResearchEarly Pathways to School Learning: Lessons from the Northern Territory Data-Linkage Study
2018Menzies School of Health ResearchWhat birthweight percentile is associated with optimal perinatal mortality and childhood education outcomes?
2018National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)NDIS East Arnhem co-design project evaluation – final report
2018Menzies School of Health ResearchModelling key drivers of school education outcomes
2018Charles Darwin UniversityEmerging outcomes and explanations: A formative, realist evaluation of the Catholic Education WA Aboriginal Families as First Educators program
2018Flinders University Developing the power to say no more to violence against women:
An investigation into family and domestic violence primary prevention programs in South Australia and the Northern Territory
2017Matrix on Board ConsultingTangentyere Women's Family Safety Group Program Evaluation Report
2017WinangaliUtopia Community Report Stronger Communities for Children
2017Nous GroupThe impact of youth programs in remote central Australia: a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis
2017Menzies School of Health ResearchAn evaluation of the school nutrition projects in the Northern Territory – final report
2017Menzies School of Health ResearchDo welfare restrictions improve child health? Estimating the casual impact of income management in the Northern Territory
2017Menzies School of Health ResearchA statistical overview of children's involvement with the NT child protection system, Royal Commission into Protection and Detention of Northern Territory Children
2017Menzies School of Health ResearchThe effect of quarantining welfare on school attendance in Indigenous communities
2017Deloitte Access EconomicsNorthern Territory youth justice models - Fixing a broken system
2017Department of Infrastructure, Planning and LogisticsNorthern Territory driverless bus trial - evaluation summary
2017Commonwealth of Australia (Attorney-General's Department)Royal Commission into the Detention and Protection of Children in the Northern Territory
2017Winangali Ipsos consortiumStronger Communities for Children evaluation report
2017Ninti One LimitedReview, Assessment and Development of Future Options for the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust (WETT) and its Programs
2016Social Ventures AustraliaSocial Return on Investment analysis of the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area and associated Indigenous ranger programme
2016Menzies School of Health ResearchReview of the Liquor Permit schemes under the NT Liquor Act: Final Report
2016National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC)Evaluation of the CAYLUS Youth Worker Brokerage
2016EYThe Way Back Support Service Northern Territory: Final Evaluation Report for beyondblue
2016Department of HealthAlcohol-attributable hospital admissions and alcohol-related emergency department presentations in the Northern Territory
2016Department of HealthSuccesses and unintended consequences of the Northern Territory's smoke-free prisons policy
2016Department of Social ServicesCommunities for Children Facilitating Partners post-implementation review
2016Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetSolutions that work – What the evidence and our people tell us
2016National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)A review of the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act (2012)
2016Deloitte Access EconomicsCost-benefit and funding analysis of the Danila Dilba Health Service
2016Menzies School of Health ResearchEarly influences on developmental outcomes among children, at age 5, in Australia's Northern Territory
2015Minter EllisonStronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012: Independent review of the effectiveness of Northern Territory and Commonwealth laws in reducing alcohol-related harm
2015Menzies School of Health ResearchNorthern Territory 2015 Gambling Prevalence and Wellbeing Survey
2015National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)Learning on Country Program Progress Evaluation Report
2015Bowchung Pty LtdAn evaluation of the Walpiri Youth Development Program
2015Menzies School of Health ResearchImpact of perinatal health and socio-demographic factors on school education outcomes: A population study of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children in the Northern Territory
2015Department of HealthEvaluation of the PATS-Telehealth Project
2015Deloitte Access EconomicsThe social and economic contribution of the Menzies School of Health Research
2014Charles Darwin UniversityGambling Harm in the Northern Territory: An Atlas of Venue Catchments
2014Chris Roche and James Ensor for the Central Land CouncilIndependent Evaluation of the Central Land Council's community development and governance programmes
2014Department of Health, One Disease, Miwatj, ANUCrusted scabies in remote Australia, a new way forward: lessons and outcomes from the East Arnhem Scabies Control Program
2014Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetForecast SROI analysis of the Youth Prevention and Diversion program (Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation)
2014Charles Darwin University Northern InstituteNorthern Territory Safe Streets Audit
2014University of CanberraIndependent Cost Benefit Analysis of the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee
2013Commonwealth of AustraliaNational Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery Evaluation
2013Colmar Brunton for Department of Attorney-General's Department and NT Police, Fire and Emergency ServicesEvaluation of the Community Engagement Police Officers Trial Final Report
2013Charles Darwin UniversityNorthern Territory Vocational Education and Training Market
2013Centre for Remote HealthYouth Programs in Remote Central Australian Aboriginal Communities
2013National Health and Medical Research CouncilMobile preschool evaluation
2012Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS)Transport and Mobility in Tennant Creek and the Barkly
2012Territory FamiliesEvaluation of the family group conferencing pilot in Alice Springs
2012Menzies School of Health ResearchThe Evaluation of the Holding Children Together Service in Alice Springs
2011Cultural & Indigenous Research Centre Australia for Department of Families (CIRCA), Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)Evaluation of the Community Stores Licensing Program
2011McDonald, E., Slavin, N., Bailie, R. & Schobben, X.No germs on me: A social marketing campaign to promote hand-washing with soap in remote Australian Aboriginal communities
2011Courage Partners for Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)Interim Evaluation of Youth in Communities
2011Bailie R., McDonald, E., Steven, M., Guthridge, S. & Brewster, D.Evaluation of an Australian Indigenous housing programme: community level impact on crowding, infrastructure function and hygiene
2010Urbis for the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)Review of Certain FaHCSIA Funded Youth Services 
2010Department of Social ServicesIndependent Review of Policing in Remote Indigenous Communities in the Northern Territory
2010Charles Darwin UniversityEvaluation of the Akeyulerre Healing Centre
2009Senior, K., Chenhall, R., Ivory, B. and Stevenson C. Moving beyond the restrictions: The evaluation of the Alice Springs Alcohol Management Plan
2009Charles Darwin UniversityLet's Start: Exploring Together – Final evaluation report
2009Red Cross AustraliaEvaluation of the Palmerston-Tiwi Islands Communities for Children program
2008Charles Darwin UniversityGambling Harm-Minimisation Measures Post 1999
2008Charles Darwin UniversityExpenditure on Electronic Gaming Machines in the Northern Territory: A Venues-Based Analysis
2008Lee, K., Conigrave, K., Clough, A., Wallace, C., Silins, E. & Rawles, J.Evaluation of a community-driven preventive youth initiative in Arnhem Lan, Northern Territory, Australia
2008Commonwealth of AustraliaNorthern Territory Emergency Response: Report of the NTER Review Board
2007CIRCA for the Department of Health and AgeingEvaluation of the Youth Wellbeing Program in the Central Desert Region of the Northern Territory
2007Paul Memmott & Associates for Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal CorporationYapakurlangu Family & Community Violence Report
2006Charles Darwin UniversityNorthern Territory Gambling Prevalence Survey
2006Charles Darwin UniversityThe Economic Impact of Gambling on the Northern Territory
2005Charles Darwin University Northern Territory 2005 Gambling Prevalence Survey: An Extended Analysis
2005Shaw, G., D'Abbs, P. and Clough, A.Review of Petrol Sniffing prevention programs in the Northern Territory
2004Australian Government Attorney-General’s DepartmentEvaluation of the Northern Territory Agreement
2003Robinson, G., d'Abbs, P., Togni, S. and Bailie, R. Aboriginal participation in health service delivery: Coordinated care trials in the Northern Territory of Australia
2000Australian Institute for Gambling Research, University of Western SydneyStudy of Gambling in the Northern Territory 1996-97

Two recommendations in A plan for budget repair PDF (2.6 MB) focussed on agency organisational reviews:

  • implement a rolling program of organisational reviews
  • the annual schedule of reviews should be determined by the Budget Review Subcommittee as part of the Budget development process.

The organisational review framework implements these recommendations and aims to:

  • ensure each review is specific to the agency's needs, circumstances and capabilities, with clearly specified terms of reference established for each review
  • take into consideration the agency's entire budget (not just recent or forthcoming funding decisions)
  • align outcomes from the reviews with the budget development process to better inform planning and funding decisions
  • provide a whole of government approach to organisational reviews, with support and backing by Cabinet
  • provide public reports and recommendations for each review to assist in government's objective of accountability and transparency.

The effectiveness of the organisational review framework will be evaluated by DTF after three years of operation. The organisational review framework can be access here: Agency Organisational Review Framework PDF (817.8 KB).

DTF will be developing additional guidance material on the organisational review framework. In the meantime, useful resources include a recent ANZSOG report on Developing Agency Capability and the New Zealand’s Core Guide 1: What is the Performance Improvement Framework? and Core Guide 2: Undertaking a Performance Improvement Framework (PIF) Self-review.

Any queries can be directed to

Behavioural economics relates to the impact of psychology on the economic decision-making processes of individuals and institutions. Governments use behavioural economics in policy formation to help improve the design and delivery of public policy by ‘nudging’ individuals and institutions in the desired direction. Using these techniques can improve the effectiveness of government policy and overall value for money.

Some jurisdictions have dedicated behavioural economic units. However, due to the Northern Territory (NT) Government’s relatively small size and fiscal circumstances, the Fiscal Strategy Panel’s final report suggested a more informal approach for the NT, focused on fostering the development of behavioural economics capability in the public service through adopting proven approaches from other jurisdictions.

The Commonwealth Government’s central unit for applying behavioural economics to public policy is the Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government or BETA. BETA have a learn hub including resources and a free online course in behavioural insights for public policy.

The Program Evaluation Unit monitors developments in other jurisdictions and communicates pertinent findings to relevant agencies as well as linking learnings into the program evaluation process. There is an informal group of Northern Territory Government employees which meet to share and discuss relevant resources – new members are always welcome. For further information about behavioural economics in the NT Government, please contact

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