NTGPASS (Super) – ABN: 67738128022 USI: 67738128022001
NTSSS – ABN: 15570931519 USI: 15570931519001

Executive summary

NTGPASS is a contributory, lump sum, defined benefit scheme established by the Superannuation Act 1986. It covers permanent and certain fixed-term employees who commenced Territory employment between 1 October 1986 and 9 August 1999, when the scheme was closed to new members.

NTGPASS members are also automatically members of the NTSSS.

NTSSS is a non-contributory lump sum scheme which provides an employer-financed superannuation benefit at the rate of 3% of salary for each year of service since 1 October 1988. The NTSSS covers most Territory public sector employees (including permanent, temporary, casual or irregular employees, consultants, contractors, board members or office holders) and was modified in 1992 to take into account the superannuation guarantee legislation of the Commonwealth Government. Benefits from the scheme are paid by the Territory at the time employment ceases. There is no NTSSS fund and therefore no employee contributions and no rollovers can be accepted.

NTGPASS and NTSSS are administered by the Commissioner of Superannuation and the staff of the NT Superannuation Office, which is a branch of the Department of Treasury and Finance.



Members contribute 2 to 6% of contribution salary, and may vary their contribution rate once each year on 1 October.

Accrued employer contributions are paid at the time the benefit becomes due for payment. It is not paid on resignation within the first 5 years of employment, is partly paid within 5 and 10 years of employment, and is fully paid thereafter.

Annual review - election to vary contribution rate form DOCX (69.8 KB)

Annual review - application to maintain higher contribution salary DOCX (60.0 KB)

Understanding NTGPASS and NTSSS benefits DOCX (141.7 KB)

Benefit components

NTGPASS lump sum benefits are an employer financed benefit determined by the formula:

2.5%  x  benefit salary  x  total benefit points accrued during membership  x  vesting factor

Prospective employer component

An additional employer financed benefit applying to death and invalidity benefits. It is equal to 17.5% of benefit salary for each year of foregone service (service from the member’s cessation date to maximum retirement age - usually 65) but:

  • is reduced in the first 10 years of membership where the entitlement results from a pre-existing medical condition or insufficient medical information was provided on entry
  • is reduced (for employees with a maximum retirement age of 65 years) where death or invalidity retirement occurs after age 50, and is not payable after age 60
  • is offset (usually fully) where workers compensation benefits are also payable
  • is not payable where a member dies and at the time of their death, had no dependants.

Death and invalidity retirement benefits are payable, not withstanding that a member may be on leave without pay.

New superannuation arrangements

NTGPASS closed to new employees commencing service with the Territory Government after 9 August 1999. New employees joining after 9 August 1999 will have full choice of the superannuation fund to which the employer will contribute the superannuation guarantee.

For further details, please refer to the information for New Employees Joining After 9 August 1999.

NTGPASS provides an additional employer-financed death benefit for members under the age of 60 years. This benefit is a prospective employer component and is generally payable if an eligible employee dies and is survived by a dependant(s).


NTGPASS/NTSSS death benefit claim form PDF (322.7 KB)
NTGPASS/NTSSS death benefit claim form DOCX (82.2 KB)

Further information

NTGPASS, NTGSSS and NTGDIS death benefits

There are a number of ways you can contribute to your superannuation account.

NTGPASS compulsory contributions

Active members make compulsory contributions to their accumulation account at a rate of 2% to 6% of their contribution salary. Members can vary their contribution rate at the annual review each year on 1 October.

The compulsory contributions entitle members to a Territory-financed defined benefit, which is calculated according to a formula based on the number of benefit points, length of membership and benefit salary.

Voluntary (personal) contributions

Active members who are contributing at 6% of salary can make additional after-tax contributions to their accumulation account. Contributions can be made as a lump sum or through regular payroll deductions. These contributions are known as non‑concessional contributions (refer to contribution caps).

For further information on the rules regarding personal contributions and the payment methods available, please contact your Payroll team or your accumulation fund.

Contribution caps

Concessional contribution caps

Concessional superannuation contributions such as salary sacrifice and employer contributions are made from pre‑tax income. Since 1 July 2017, part of the value of your accruing Territory-financed (employer) contributions has also been included in your concessional superannuation contributions calculations.

Concessional contributions are taxed at the rate of 15%, up to the concessional contribution cap, on receipt into a superannuation fund. Similarly, 15% tax is deducted at the time an NTGPASS or NTSSS defined benefit is paid to a superannuation fund.

Rules around concessional contributions and their caps are constantly changing. For further information on the current caps and tax that may apply to concessional contributions, go to the Australian Taxation Office website.

Non‑concessional contribution cap

Non‑concessional contributions, such as voluntary contributions or your compulsory NTGPASS contributions, are made from after‑tax salary. The non-concessional contributions cap has been $110,000 since 1 July 2021.

More information on how to calculate your non-concessional contributions cap, and what happens if you exceed it, is set out on this Australian Taxation Office website.


The superannuation co-contribution is a Commonwealth Government initiative to assist eligible individuals to save for their retirement. If you are eligible and make personal superannuation contributions, the government will match your contribution with a co-contribution up to certain limits.

For further details, read the fact sheet below.

Superannuation co-contribution PDF (129.9 KB)

Australian Taxation Office co-contributions calculators

Contribution splitting

NTGPASS and other defined benefit schemes do not allow members to split their concessional contributions with their spouses.

Salary sacrifice provides opportunities to employees for their retirement and taxation planning. However, there are a number of complexities, which employees should consider as part of their decision-making, and obtaining independent financial advice prior to commencing salary sacrifice is recommended.

Salary sacrifice allows members to direct before tax salary into their accumulation account. The Territory financed benefit will not alter as the salary used to calculate final NTGPASS benefit will not be affected (that is, the benefit salary stays the same).

For more information about salary sacrificing into superannuation, please contact the Salary Packaging unit in the Department of Corporate and Digital Development on 08 8999 4481 or by emailing salarypackaging.services@nt.gov.au.

You have a number of different options upon ceasing employment. Depending on your age, you can:

  • roll all or some of your superannuation into a pension product
  • take some or all of your superannuation as a lump sum cash payment
  • rollover some or all of your superannuation to a complying superannuation fund
  • or a combination of the above.

We strongly suggest that you seek financial planning advice from a qualified professional in relation to your specific circumstances.

NTGPASS annuity bonus

An annuity is a private pension from an insurance company or similar institution. To be eligible, an approved annuity must be a lifetime annuity or for a minimum term of 10 years.

If you are retiring from the workforce and intend using your NTGPASS benefit to purchase an approved annuity, you may be eligible for an additional payment to offset the initial fees charged for the purchase of the annuity.

An approved annuity means:

  • an annuity purchased by a former member for his or her life or for a minimum term of 10 years
  • in relation to a death benefit - an annuity purchased by a dependant with monies from a deceased member’s estate solely attributable to the contributions made under the scheme by the deceased member and to the benefits received under the scheme by the estate
  • in relation to an invalidity retirement benefit - where a benefit is paid due to invalidity retirement and after it is paid to the former member, the former member purchases an approved annuity for his or her life or for a minimum term of 10 years.

The calculation of the annuity bonus is restricted to 5% of your compulsory employee contributions and the employer component of the benefit paid. Employee contributions exclude salary sacrifice, investment earnings, voluntary contributions and rollover amounts. The bonus will be paid as an eligible termination payment (ETP) and is subject to taxation.

To qualify for the bonus, the annuity must have been purchased within 90 days of you claiming your benefit from the scheme.

Opt out of NTGPASS and NTSSS

Active NTGPASS and NTSSS members can elect to opt out of the schemes once they reach preservation age (depending on date of birth). Eligible members who opt out will not need to resign from the NTPS to claim their NTGPASS and NTSSS superannuation benefits.

Members who choose to opt out:

  • will no longer be an active NTGPASS member and will no longer make compulsory NTGPASS member contributions of  2% to 6% of salary
  • will move from defined benefit superannuation arrangements to Choice of Fund (superannuation guarantee) arrangements - the employing agency will make superannuation guarantee contributions to their nominated superannuation fund each pay day
  • must select a superannuation fund to receive their superannuation guarantee contributions and any salary sacrifice contributions - this cannot be NTGPASS
  • must roll over their superannuation benefits to a superannuation fund that is not NTGPASS.

Opt out form - NTGPASS/NTSSS PDF (246.5 KB)

More information

Centrelink Financial Information Services
- speak to a financial information services officer: 132 300
- seminar bookings: 136 357

How long does your super need to last?
- longevity calculator

MoneySmart website administered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to help people make smart choices about their personal finances including superannuation.
Money Smart - how super works
Money Smart - retirement income

An easy to understand guide to superannuation
Includes fact sheets, calculators, interactive learning modules, detailed budgets on retirement lifestyle standards, and additional topics for you to consider before retiring.

Financial Planning Advice
Financial Planning Association’s site

If you were employed in the NT public sector after 1 October 1986, you may be entitled to a benefit from the Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities' Superannuation Scheme (NTGPASS) and or the Northern Territory Supplementary Superannuation Scheme (NTSSS).

If you ceased employment and did not lodge a claim for a superannuation benefit or failed to receive a claimed benefit, you can complete the unclaimed superannuation form PDF (64.7 KB).

For further information about unclaimed benefits, please contact:

NT Superannuation Office
Level 11, Charles Darwin Centre
19 The Mall
Darwin NT 0800

GPO Box 4675
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8901 4200
Fax: 08 8901 4222

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