
You need to understand your obligations about unclaimed company moneys.

Unclaimed moneys for a company include:

  • deposits
  • securities
  • dividends
  • bonuses
  • profits
  • or other moneys payable to a member of a company.

The Companies (Unclaimed Assets and Moneys) Act provides for the:

  • payment by companies whose head or principal office is in the Northern Territory of certain unclaimed moneys to the Treasurer of the Northern Territory
  • record keeping of the associated information
  • payment to the rightful owners of those moneys.

The Department of Treasury and Finance can only accept money if:

  • it has been unclaimed for a period of three years
  • the company's head or principal office is in the Northern Territory.

Read about the different types of unclaimed moneys.

Read about companies record keeping responsibilities and procedures on the transfer and lodgement of unclaimed moneys.

Read about how to search the unclaimed moneys current register and how to apply for unclaimed money

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