Organisational review framework
Two recommendations in A plan for budget repair PDF (2.6 MB) focussed on agency organisational reviews:
- implement a rolling program of organisational reviews
- the annual schedule of reviews should be determined by the Budget Review Subcommittee as part of the Budget development process.
The organisational review framework implements these recommendations and aims to:
- ensure each review is specific to the agency's needs, circumstances and capabilities, with clearly specified terms of reference established for each review
- take into consideration the agency's entire budget (not just recent or forthcoming funding decisions)
- align outcomes from the reviews with the budget development process to better inform planning and funding decisions
- provide a whole of government approach to organisational reviews, with support and backing by Cabinet
- provide public reports and recommendations for each review to assist in government's objective of accountability and transparency.
The effectiveness of the organisational review framework will be evaluated by DTF after three years of operation. The organisational review framework can be access here: Agency Organisational Review Framework PDF (817.8 KB).
DTF will be developing additional guidance material on the organisational review framework. In the meantime, useful resources include a recent ANZSOG report on Developing Agency Capability and the New Zealand’s Core Guide 1: What is the Performance Improvement Framework? and Core Guide 2: Undertaking a Performance Improvement Framework (PIF) Self-review.
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