Annual reports

Department of Treasury and Finance

The 2023-24 Department of Treasury and Finance Annual Report PDF (3.8 MB) is designed to meet annual reporting requirements, as specified for public sector agencies in the Public Sector Employment and Management Act, Financial Management Act and Information Act. It reports on DTF’s performance to the Treasurer, the Legislative Assembly, government agencies and other stakeholders, including DTF’s own staff. It reflects on DTF’s many and varied accomplishments during 2020‑21, and provides information about DTF’s culture, responsibilities and internal governance arrangements.

Treasurer's Annual Financial Report (TAFR)

The 2023-24 Treasurer's Annual Financial Report PDF (2.2 MB) has been prepared to provide an informative, comprehensive and clear report of the Northern Territory Government's financial outcomes.

Northern Territory Treasury Corporation (NTTC)

The 2023-24 Northern Territory Treasury Corporation Annual Report PDF (2.5 MB) is designed to meet NTTC’s statutory annual reporting requirements, as specified for public sector agencies in PSEMA, the Financial Management Act (FMA), Information Act and NTTC Act. It reports NTTC’s performance to the Treasurer, the Legislative Assembly, government agencies, stakeholders, financial markets and ratings agencies.

The Commissioner of Superannuation

The objective of the 2022-23 Commissioner of Superannuation's Annual Report PDF (878.5 KB) is to provide the Treasurer, members of the NTG schemes and other interested parties with information on the administration, operation and management of the NTG schemes.

Northern Territory Police Supplementary Benefit Scheme

The objective of the 2023-24 Northern Territory Police Supplementary Benefit Scheme Annual Report PDF (834.5 KB) is to provide information to members and other interested parties on the operations of the Northern Territory Police Supplementary Benefit Scheme (PSBS), including the management, financial condition and investment performance of the PSBS fund, as well as current superannuation issues.

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