Further consultation – Statutory fund management


This is the second round of consultation on a proposal to optimise the investment of a range of statutory funds. This consultation period closes on Friday 4 March 2022.

In May 2021, the Northern Territory Government approved the release of a consultation paper seeking input and feedback on a proposal to optimise the investment of a range of statutory funds.

Key features of the proposal were:

  • funds would be held within the Central Holding Authority
  • the existing funds would have separately identifiable subaccounts
  • the funds would be managed by a single fund manager and single expert investment committee
  • each statutory fund’s subaccount would continue to be used only to meet the obligations for which it was established under legislation
  • other (non-investment) roles of existing boards and committees will remain unchanged.

After considering the feedback from that first round of consultation, the Treasurer has requested the Department of Treasury and Finance release a second consultation paper PDF (224.6 KB).

The consultation period on the second paper is open from 9 February 2022 to Friday 4 March 2022.

Provide submissions and feedback by:

Email: Enquiries.DTF@nt.gov.au

Department of Treasury and Finance
Statutory Fund Management
GPO Box 1974

Hand delivery:
Department of Treasury and Finance
Statutory Fund Management
Level 14, Charles Darwin Centre
19 The Mall

In addition, Department of Treasury and Finance officials will be available for face-to-face meetings to discuss the proposal in the Consultation Paper. Please email your request for a face-to-face meeting to Enquiries.DTF@nt.gov.au or phone 08 8999 6500. Please ensure the subject line includes ‘meeting request Statutory Fund Management’.

Related information

Further consultation – Statutory fund management

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